Public API Overview
These are public APIs that will be called most often and require good scalability.
The API requires the following default parameters: - LanguageID = this field is a two character support for simple multi-language. Default value is 'en' for English, 'cn' for Chinese.
- EntityID = a field which allows for different results to be returned based on caller entity, (e.g. Cache, P2P, scanner) for scanner entries use empty string '' as default
- CallerID = the userID calling this API (if known). This allows for traceability of data access (required for scanner) but is not a required for public calls and can be left black.
API Interfaces
GetSingleLogFullDetails (Link: GetSingleLogFullDetails?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&AsOfDate=&RFID=&storagelogid=0 )
Retrieves a Single LogRecord on or prior the specified AsOfDate (UTC time) with all details. if no AsOfDate is specified the current UTC time is used, which returns the latest record
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- RFID - String, - (default: '')
- storagelogid - Int32, - (default: '0')
PublicSite_ShippingRouteComparison (Link: PublicSite_ShippingRouteComparison?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&CompanyID=&FromVaultID=&ToCountryCode=USA&ToZipCode=&MetalCode=AU&GramMass=1000&ShowinsufficientKG=False&TopxRows=10&ShippingRateID=0&ShippingRouteID=0 )
Shows route comparisons. API always requires a destination country, mass and metal type. ShowinsufficientKG = true will show routes/fees that would be valid if a larger shipment were to be shipped. ShippingRateID and ShippingRouteID are optional
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- CompanyID - String, - (default: '')
- FromVaultID - String, - (default: '')
- ToCountryCode - String, - (default: 'USA')
- ToZipCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: 'AU')
- GramMass - Decimal, - (default: '1000')
- ShowinsufficientKG - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
- TopxRows - Int32, - (default: '10')
- ShippingRateID - Int32, - (default: '0')
- ShippingRouteID - Int32, - (default: '0')
GetPublicSite_CACHEServiceStats (Link: GetPublicSite_CACHEServiceStats?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&ServiceType=&CountryCodeFilter= )
Shows statistics for CACHE services. API is optimized for fast public page display. ServiceType is typically 'Shipping', 'BuyBack' and 'VaultPickup' or an empty string for all.
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- ServiceType - String, - (default: '')
- CountryCodeFilter - String, - (default: '')
GetPublicSite_ShippingtoCountries (Link: GetPublicSite_ShippingtoCountries?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&MetalCode=&Application= )
List the Countries the application, e.g. CACHE, can ship to.
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- Application - String, - (default: '')
GetCountry (Link: GetCountry?LanguageID=&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&ComplianceApprovedOnly=True&ComplianceDeniedOnly=False&IndipendentOnly=True&ShippableByEntityOnly=False&CountryCode=&Country2CharCode=&CompanyIDShippingTo=&AUImportTaxandCustomsFreeOnly=False )
Returns countries based on various filter parameters.
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: '')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- ComplianceApprovedOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'True')
- ComplianceDeniedOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
- IndipendentOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'True')
- ShippableByEntityOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
- CountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- Country2CharCode - String, - (default: '')
- CompanyIDShippingTo - String, - (default: '')
- AUImportTaxandCustomsFreeOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
GetEventHistoryByRFID (Link: GetEventHistoryByRFID?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&AsOfDate=&RFID=&storagelogid=0 )
Retrieves all records on or prior to the specified AsOfDate (UTC time) for a given RFID or StorageLogID. if no AsOfDate is specified the current UTC time is used, which returns all records
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- RFID - String, - (default: '')
- storagelogid - Int32, - (default: '0')
GetProviderDetail (Link: GetProviderDetail?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&ProviderID=&CountryCodeFilter=&ProviderTypeFilter=&ScannerID= )
Returns Details of Providers (Vaults, Custodians, Service)
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- ProviderID - String, - (default: '')
- CountryCodeFilter - String, - (default: '')
- ProviderTypeFilter - String, - (default: '')
- ScannerID - String, - (default: '')
GetShippingRate (Link: GetShippingRate?LanguageID=&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&FromVaultID=&ToCountryCode=&ToZipCode=&PureKg=1&MetalCode=&isPickupOnly=False&CompanyID=&ShowAllSolutions=False )
Returns EventGrouping names. can be useful to group parcels together
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: '')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- FromVaultID - String, - (default: '')
- ToCountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ToZipCode - String, - (default: '')
- PureKg - Decimal, - (default: '1')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- isPickupOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
- CompanyID - String, - (default: '')
- ShowAllSolutions - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
GetShippingRateDetails (Link: GetShippingRateDetails?LanguageID=&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&FromVaultID=&ToCountryCode=&ToZipCode=&PureKg=1&MetalCode=&CompanyID=&ShowAllSolutions=False )
Returns a dettailed shipping rates. Requires EntityID, FromVaultID, ToCountryCode,PureKG and Metalcode Parameters
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: '')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- FromVaultID - String, - (default: '')
- ToCountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ToZipCode - String, - (default: '')
- PureKg - Decimal, - (default: '1')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- CompanyID - String, - (default: '')
- ShowAllSolutions - Boolean, - (default: 'False')
RedemptionFees (Link: RedemptionFees?LanguageID=&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&ServiceCode=BuyBack&GoldPureGrams=0 )
Retrieves available vault services
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: '')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- ServiceCode - String, - (default: 'BuyBack')
- GoldPureGrams - Decimal, - (default: '0')
GetVaultServices (Link: GetVaultServices?LanguageID=&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&VaultID=&ServiceProviderID=&ServiceCode=&CustodianIDOwnedParcelsOnly=&MetalCode=&UtilizationLockCode=&ToCountryCode=&ToZipCode=&MaxGramWeight=1000 )
Retrieves available vault services
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: '')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- ServiceProviderID - String, - (default: '')
- ServiceCode - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianIDOwnedParcelsOnly - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- ToCountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ToZipCode - String, - (default: '')
- MaxGramWeight - Decimal, - (default: '1000')
GetHashExecutions (Link: GetHashExecutions?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&FromDate=&ToDate=&EventHashFilter=&TxIDFilter=&NotConfirmedOnly=True )
Returns hash transactions, can be used as a public log or to see ongoing activity in a UI interface
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- FromDate - Nullable`1, - (default: '')
- ToDate - Nullable`1, - (default: '')
- EventHashFilter - String, - (default: '')
- TxIDFilter - String, - (default: '')
- NotConfirmedOnly - Boolean, - (default: 'True')
GetParcelsFiltered (Link: GetParcelsFiltered?EntityID=&LanguageID=en&AsOfDate=&Search=&ItemCategoryCode=&ItemTypeCode=&MetalCode=&UtilizationLockCode=&UtilizationLockGroup=&VaultID=&CustodianID=&CountryCode=&BrandCode=&EventGrouping=&VaultLocation=&EventCodePermissionCheck=&GrossGramsFrom=0&GrossGramsTo=100000&ViewPageSize=50&ViewPageNr=1&CallerID=&VaultServices= )
Retrieves parcels filtered by a generic searh (free text) and/or a set of parameters code / IDS
Calling Parameters:- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- Search - String, - (default: '')
- ItemCategoryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ItemTypeCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockGroup - String, - (default: '')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianID - String, - (default: '')
- CountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- BrandCode - String, - (default: '')
- EventGrouping - String, - (default: '')
- VaultLocation - String, - (default: '')
- EventCodePermissionCheck - String, - (default: '')
- GrossGramsFrom - Decimal, - (default: '0')
- GrossGramsTo - Decimal, - (default: '100000')
- ViewPageSize - Int32, - (default: '50')
- ViewPageNr - Int32, - (default: '1')
- CallerID - String, - (default: '')
- VaultServices - String, - (default: '')
GetParcelsFilteredWithLockGroup (Link: GetParcelsFilteredWithLockGroup?EntityID=&LanguageID=en&AsOfDate=&Search=&ItemCategoryCode=&ItemTypeCode=&MetalCode=&UtilizationLockCode=&UtilizationLockGroup=&VaultID=&CustodianID=&CountryCode=&BrandCode=&EventGrouping=&VaultLocation=&EventCodePermissionCheck=&GrossGramsFrom=0&GrossGramsTo=100000&ViewPageSize=50&ViewPageNr=1&CallerID=&VaultServices= )
Retrieves parcels filtered by a generic searh (free text) and/or a set of parameters code / IDS
Calling Parameters:- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- Search - String, - (default: '')
- ItemCategoryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ItemTypeCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockGroup - String, - (default: '')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianID - String, - (default: '')
- CountryCode - String, - (default: '')
- BrandCode - String, - (default: '')
- EventGrouping - String, - (default: '')
- VaultLocation - String, - (default: '')
- EventCodePermissionCheck - String, - (default: '')
- GrossGramsFrom - Decimal, - (default: '0')
- GrossGramsTo - Decimal, - (default: '100000')
- ViewPageSize - Int32, - (default: '50')
- ViewPageNr - Int32, - (default: '1')
- CallerID - String, - (default: '')
- VaultServices - String, - (default: '')
GenerateParcelsFilteredCsv (Link: GenerateParcelsFilteredCsv?EntityID=&LanguageID=en&AsOfDate=&MetalCode=&UtilizationLockCode=&UtilizationLockGroup=&CallerID= )
Generates a csv file with parcels filtered by a set of parameters code / IDS
Calling Parameters:- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockGroup - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: '')
GetTreeByGroup (Link: GetTreeByGroup?EntityID=&LanguageID=en&CallerID=UserID&AsOfDate=&GroupBy=&ItemCategoryCode=&ItemTypeCode=&MetalCode=&UtilizationLockCode=&UtilizationLockGroup=&VaultID=&CustodianID=&VaultServices= )
Tree v0.3 provides hierarchical groups depending on the GroupBy parameter. Display GroupName along with NrParcels, Grams and Valuation.
Calling Parameters:- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- AsOfDate - DateTime, - (default: '')
- GroupBy - String, - (default: '')
- ItemCategoryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ItemTypeCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- UtilizationLockGroup - String, - (default: '')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianID - String, - (default: '')
- VaultServices - String, - (default: '')
GetGramBalances (Link: GetGramBalances?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&UtilizationLockCode=&MetalCode=&VaultID=&CustodianID=&ItemCategoryCode=&ProviderTypeCode=Custodian )
Retrieves grams currently stored, grouped by Vault, Metal, UtilizationCoede, Custodian, ItemCategory and filtered by parameters. An empty parameter '' means 'all' / no filter
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianID - String, - (default: '')
- ItemCategoryCode - String, - (default: '')
- ProviderTypeCode - String, - (default: 'Custodian')
GetSingleGramBalance (Link: GetSingleGramBalance?LanguageID=en&EntityID=&CallerID=UserID&UtilizationLockCode=&MetalCode=&VaultID=&CustodianID=&ItemCategoryCode= )
Retrieves grams currently stored as a single aggregated total. Use parameters as filters, an empty parameter '' means 'all' / no filter
Calling Parameters:- LanguageID - String, - (default: 'en')
- EntityID - String, - (default: '')
- CallerID - String, - (default: 'UserID')
- UtilizationLockCode - String, - (default: '')
- MetalCode - String, - (default: '')
- VaultID - String, - (default: '')
- CustodianID - String, - (default: '')
- ItemCategoryCode - String, - (default: '')